Deploying tables for a new greenfield application?
Or looking to improve your database change management for a years-old system with hundreds or thousands of tables, views, stored procedures, and more?
Obevo has your database deployment use case covered.
By allowing your DB files to be maintained per object (as you would with classes in application code), DB file maintenance becomes much easier compared to other tools that require a new file or change definition per migration:
Click here for more information on how Obevo works and how its algorithm compares to what most other DB Deployment tools do
How do you test your DDLs before deploying to production?
Obevo provides utilities and build plugins to clean and rebuild your databases so that you can integrate that step into your integration testing lifecycle.
Obevo can take that a step further by converting your DB table and view code into an in-memory database compatible format that you can use in your tests. The conversion is done at runtime, so you do not have to maintain separate DDLs just for in-memory testing
Hesitant about getting your existing database schema under SDLC control due to how objects your application has built up over the years? Obevo has been vetted against many such cases from applications in large enterprises.
Obevo can be invoked via:
Obevo is designed to allow your DB code to be packaged and deployed alongside your application binaries.
Treat your DB code like you would treat your application code!