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Developer Setup for local Docker-enabled environments

Certain DBMS types (including DB2, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL) provide Docker containers that you can use to deploy and test locally.

Steps to use this:

1) Install Docker

2) Run the setup script located at the root of each module

DBMS Module Script Docker Image
DB2 obevo-db-db2 DB2 Express
MSSQL obevo-db-mssql MSSQL Server on Linux
POSTGRESQL obevo-db-postgresql PostgreSQL image

The setup script will do the following:

  • Pulls the container image
  • Starts the container instance
  • Creates the DB and schemas
  • (only applicable for DB2) Extracts the DB2 Driver jar from the container and installs it into your local Maven repository

Note: for Windows, try the Windows 10 Bash integration (though we haven’t tested it yet). If that doesn’t suffice, you can follow along the script and replicate the steps in Windows.

3) In your IDE, enable the “integration-build” profile so that you can activate integration tests against your local Docker instance

(Note - DB2 does not enable the integration-build by default in the build as a couple integration tests like Db2PostDeployActionIT are failing. Db2DeployerMainIT is fine, however. You can use that for testing.)