When a persistent set of objects is specified in Reladomo metadata, the objects can be visualized. The output can be used as documentation, or simply browsed through to gain understanding of the domain.
To use the visualization, you will need two things:
Run the MithraGraphGenerator using Ant.
Load the graph in yEd.
MithraGraphGenerator is invoked via Ant. Here is an example target:
<target name="generate-mithra-graph-product"> <taskdef name="mithra-graphgen" classname="com.gs.fw.common.mithra.generator.MithraGraphGenerator" loaderRef="mithraGenerator"> <classpath refid="mithragen.classpath"/> </taskdef> <mithra-graphgen xml="${mithra.home}/xml/mithra/para/ParaClassList.xml" outputFile="${generated.src.dir}/paraproduct.graphml" includeList="Product,PositionQuantity" followRelationshipDepth="1" showAttributes="primaryKey"/> </target>
The elements for the mithra-graphgen
tag above are:
The xml
element specifies the location
of the Reladomo class list -- a list of all of the classes to be graphed by Reladomo. By default, the graph
generator will put all the classes in the graph if includeList
is not specified. The combination of
and followRelationshipDepth
further defines what objects are shown on the
The includeList
is a comma separated list of objects to be graphed. This is an optional attribute, and
omitting it will cause all the objects to be graphed. These objects, if specified, will
be the root from which relationships can be followed. The example above will graph the Product class, the PositionQuantity
class as well any objects that have a direct relationship from those two.
The followRelationshipDepth
attribute specifies how deep relationships should be followed from the
classes specified in includeList
. This attribute has no effect if includeList
is not
specified. The default value is 1. To see just the classes specified in includeList
, set this to zero.
The showAttributes
value determines what object attributes will be visible in the output. The
valid values are: "none", "all", "primaryKey" or a number (e.g. "7"). If a number is specified, the primary keys
are given precedence and appear at the top of the list.
You can download a copy of yEd from http://www.yworks.com/products/yed/. After running yEd, you can open the file you generated (paraproduct.graphml in the above example). You'll see a jumble of boxes. Don't panic. You have to use yEd to layout the diagram. yEd and a large number of options for layout. You should experiment a bit to see what fits your model best. All these options appear under the "Layout" menu. Here are some recommendations to get you started:
Small number of objects: Hierarchical or Orthogonal works well.
Medium number of objects: Organic works well.
Large number of objects: Circular works ok.
Once you have the diagram in it's final form, you can export to it to a variety of file type, including PDF, SVG and GIF. For large diagrams, you can also print the file on multiple pages.