An introduction to Reladomo
Why another persistence framework?
Chaining logic
Object oriented, compiled time checked query language
Transparent multi-schema support
Object oriented batch operations
Unit testable code
Flexible object relationship inflation
Focus on "why" and "how" of various features
User Driven Presentation: You decide the particular topics
Future directions
Metadata driven
Code generation
Object oriented query mechanism
Junit integration
Caching: Bi-level, transactionally guaranteed, keyless
Flexible relationships
Collections based operations (mass insert/update/delete; deep fetch)
Multi-schema horizontally scaled databases
Database vendor independence
Temp Object (temp tables)
Embedded Value Objects
Natural handling of composite keys
2-tier and 3-tier (middle tier) operation
Primary Key Generation
DDL Generator
Database to XML Generator
RUNS (Replication Update Notification System) integration
Fast Sybase/UDB inserts
Sybase bulk insert (pure Java)
GS Integrator Transport
Global Time support
Documentation: javadoc, xsddoc, docbook
Transaction support (local and 1.5 Phase XA via JOLT)
Domain class diagram generation
DRY Principle: adding an attribute should ideally be a single change
Secondary uses: DDL generation, Visualization
Custom SQL-like relationship language
<MithraObject objectType="transactional"> <PackageName></PackageName> <ClassName>Product</ClassName> <DefaultTable>PRODUCT</DefaultTable> <SourceAttribute name="acmapCode" javaType="String"/> <Attribute name="productId" javaType="int" columnName="PROD_SEC_ID_I" primaryKey="true" primaryKeyGeneratorStrategy="Max"/> <Attribute name="gsn" javaType="String" columnName="PROD_SEC_NBR_C" maxLength="15"/> <Attribute name="cusip" javaType="String" columnName="PROD_SEC_CUSIP_C" maxLength="15" nullable="true"/> <Attribute name="issuerName" javaType="String" columnName="PROD_GEN_ISSUER_N" maxLength="30" truncate="true"/> <Attribute name="issuerNumber" javaType="int" columnName="PROD_ISSUER_NUMBER" nullable="true"/> <Attribute name="description" javaType="String" columnName="PROD_DESC_1_C" maxLength="60" poolable="false" truncate="true"/> <Relationship name="synonyms" relatedObject="ProductSynonym" cardinality="one-to-many" reverseRelationshipName="product">ProductSynonym.productId = this.productId </Relationship> <Relationship name="history" relatedObject="ProductHistory" cardinality="one-to-many" reverseRelationshipName="product">this.productId = ProductHistory.productId </Relationship> <Relationship name="currencySynonym" relatedObject="ProductSynonym" cardinality="one-to-one"> ProductSynonym.productId = this.productId and ProductSynonym.type = "CID" </Relationship> <Relationship name="parentProduct" relatedObject="Product" cardinality="many-to-one"> ProductRelation.productChildId = this.productId and Product.productId = ProductRelation.productParentId and ProductRelation.relationshipType in (3200, 3214, 9800, 3201, 3202, 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210) </Relationship> <Index name="byGsn" unique="true">gsn</Index> </MithraObject>
DRY: use the metadata to its fullest
Quality: code written by domain experts
Consistency: code is the same for all objects. Fixes/enhancements are propagated to all instances.
Productivity: developers are freed to code the business logic instead of plumbing
JAXB XML parser: fast, easy to use
Java based templates (similar to Eclipse JET): no need to learn another syntax. Supported by existing IDE’s (code completion, syntax highlighting, etc)
JavaCC based relationship expression parser
Extensible style code generation: generate abstract classes.
In-line SQL is difficult to write, harder to reader and nearly impossible to maintain
In-line SQL is difficult to abstract and reuse
String based solutions (e.g. HQL, OQL, EQL, etc) do not solve these issues
Reladomo uses an object oriented query language that fits comfortably within the programming environment:
Compile time checked: if something changes, problems will be found earlier
No strings: easy to reuse and abstract
Overcomes some shortcomings of SQL: "Do not repeat yourself" (DRY) principle applied to relationships between objects
Developers think in terms of objects and their relationships, not tables and joins.
public void selectTransactions() throws TransactionQueryException, SQLException, CriteriaException { this.createUpdateStatementWrapper(); try { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(" select BTV.*, NPV.NPV, F.RATE, NPV.RAW_UNREAL, NPV.DISC_UNREAL, NPV.ADJ_NPV "); sb.append(" into #tran_union "); sb.append(" from BASIC_TRANSACT_VIEW BTV, #accounts A, FX_FORWARD_NPV NPV, SECDB_FOREX_RATE F, TCURRENCY C "); sb.append(" where BTV.ACCT_ID = A.ACCT "); sb.append(" and BTV.TRAN_ID = NPV.TRAN_ID "); sb.append(" and BTV.TRUE_STATUS = 'ACTIVE' "); sb.append(" and BTV.OUT_Z >= ? "); this.addTimestampParameter(this.getBasicDateProvider().fetchCheckPoint(this.getBasicDateProvider().getAsOfDate())); sb.append(" and BTV.IN_Z < ? "); this.addTimestampParameter(this.getBasicDateProvider().fetchCheckPoint(this.getBasicDateProvider().getAsOfDate())); sb.append(" and BTV.TRAN_SETTLE_D > ? "); this.addTimestampParameter(this.getBasicDateProvider().getAsOfDate()); sb.append(" and NPV.FROM_Z < ? "); this.addTimestampParameter(this.getBasicDateProvider().getAsOfDate());
sb.append(" and NPV.THRU_Z >= ? "); this.addTimestampParameter(this.getBasicDateProvider().getAsOfDate()); sb.append(" and NPV.IN_Z < ? "); this.addTimestampParameter(this.getBasicDateProvider().getEternity()); sb.append(" and NPV.OUT_Z >= ? "); this.addTimestampParameter(this.getBasicDateProvider().getEternity()); sb.append( "and F.CURRENCY = 'USD' "); sb.append(" and BTV.TRAN_SETTLE_D = F.VALUE_DATE"); sb.append(" and F.FROM_Z < ? "); this.addTimestampParameter(this.getBasicDateProvider().getAsOfDate()); sb.append(" and F.THRU_Z >= ? "); this.addTimestampParameter(this.getBasicDateProvider().getAsOfDate()); sb.append(" and F.IN_Z < ? "); this.addTimestampParameter(this.getBasicDateProvider().getEternity()); sb.append(" and F.OUT_Z >= ? "); this.addTimestampParameter(this.getBasicDateProvider().getEternity()); sb.append(" and BTV.PROD_SEC_ID_I = C.PROD_SEC_ID_I"); this.getStatementWrapper().setStatementString(sb.toString()); this.executeUpdateStatement(); } catch (DataStoreException e) { this.getLogger().error(e); } }
public List buildOperation (PnlObjectOperationProvider pnlObjectOpProvider, ProductOperationProvider productOpProvider, ParaDate milestoneBusinessDate, ActivityReviewManager activityReviewManager) { this.activityReviewManager = activityReviewManager; ParaTransactionList basicTranList = new ParaTransactionList(); List tranList = this.buildBusinessDateBasicTransactionOperation(pnlObjectOpProvider, productOpProvider, milestoneBusinessDate); for(int i = 0; i< tranList.size(); i++) { ParaTransactionList itemList = (ParaTransactionList)tranList.get(i); Timestamp busDate = new Timestamp(milestoneBusinessDate.getTime()); businessDate = busDate; Operation op = itemList.getOperation().and(ParaTransactionFinder.status().eq("ACTIVE")) .and(ParaTransactionFinder.settleDate().greaterThan(busDate)); op = op.and(getStringOperation(getActivityReviewManager().getCounterPartyNumber(),ParaTransactionFinder.customerTransaction().crossAccount())); basicTranList.add(new ParaTransactionList(op)); basicTranList.deepFetch(ParaTransactionFinder.underlierTransactions()); basicTranList.deepFetch(ParaTransactionFinder.customerTransaction()); } return basicTranList; }
Non-trivial: Large part of the Reladomo code base (> 20%)
Various types of operations
Atomic (equals, in, greaterThan, lessThan, etc)
Mapped (traversing a relationship, aka join)
Boolean (and, or)
Miscellaneous (all, absolute value, etc)
Before evaluation of a complex operation, it’s simplified.
Operation is evaluated against the cache (if applicable) and then the server
SQL generation can be a bit tricky (especially for dated objects)
Testable code has become an indispensable part of our development methodology
Persistent objects are traditionally difficult to unit test because they’re tied to a database
The core Reladomo code was written using test driven development
Create a test resource: text file for initial data + in memory SQL database (H2)
Reladomo provides a simple testing framework that fits right into Junit.
All operations are supported: query, insert, update, delete, chaining, etc.
Examples: Large production application
The crux of the code is processing of data.
Reladomo-enabled testing covers > 80% of the code.
Result: shortened development time, highly reliable code with very few bugs encountered in production.
Relationships between objects can take interesting forms in real life.
Can dramatically reduce IO to the database. Can also be used for interesting searches.
Two common examples: a parametrized relationship, or a relationship with extra conditions.
This feature works because of Reladomo’s dynamic relationship resolution. Examples: Relationships from Product
<Relationship name="parentProduct" relatedObject="Product" cardinality="many-to-one"> ProductRelation.productChildId = this.productId and Product.productId = ProductRelation.productParentId and ProductRelation.relationshipType in (3200, 3214, 9800, 3201, 3202, 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3211) </Relationship> <Relationship name="synonymItem" relatedObject="ProductSynonym" cardinality="one-to-one" parameters="String sym"> ProductSynonym.productId = this.productId and ProductSynonym.type = {sym} </Relationship>
Chaining is an umbrella term that describes a way of storing time series data, audit data or both in a relational database. The different versions (audit only, time series only and bitemporal) are described below.
1.Audit Only
2.Business Time Series Only
3.Both Audit and Business Time Series: Bitemporal
Chaining is complicated
The algorithm is only maintainable if it’s managed from one single piece of code
Chaining affects the core of object-relational mapping. It is very difficult to implement chaining as an add-on to an existing OR framework.
Chained objects are queried and persisted differently
Chained objects don’t have the same operations (insert, update, delete) as regular objects
Chained objects support more complicated operations: insert, insert until, update, update until, increment, increment until, terminate.
Not a large piece of code (6%), but complicated: 30% of test code is just for chaining
Information held in a single object is usually not enough to calculate new state
Object delegates complex operations to the TemporalDirector
TemporalDirector uses TemporalContainer to calculate new state
TemporalContainer keeps data for a range of dates. Can fetch more from the database, on demand.
TemporalContainers are held in the transactional cache and discarded at end of transaction
Here is an example of this type of audit trail for an account object. The account was created on 1/1/2005:
![]() |
On 2/5/2005, the trader changes to Jane Doe:
![]() |
The IN and OUT columns represent real time. They have nothing to do with the business calendar.
The interesting row (meaning, the row we think has the correct information) always has OUT = Infinity
There is no way to alter the history. The only allowed update operation to a row is to change its OUT value from infinity to current time.
On 1/1/2005, we buy 100 shares of a product. We always do our accounting at 6:30 pm (even if it takes several hours, our business calendar is set to 6:30 pm):
![]() |
On 2/5/2005, we buy another 100 shares:
![]() |
So far, this looks very much like the first example. To clarify the difference, we can do an "as of trade". On 2/10/2005, we find out that we missed a trade for 50 shares that happened on 1/15/2005:
![]() |
Let’s consider the same example
![]() |
We now add 100 on 2/5/2005:
![]() |
On 2/10/2005, we find a trade that was done on 1/15/2005 for 50 shares:
![]() |
Two types of batching:
Prepared statement batching: reuse the same statement multiple times. X 2 performance improvement
Use of SQL statements that update more than one row at a time. X 50 performance improvement
Collections are a core of the Reladomo API.
Example mass delete:
Operation op = SwapPriceFinder.sourceId().eq( id ); op = op.and(
SwapPriceFinder.businessDate().eq( busDate ) );
op = op.and( SwapPriceFinder.feedNumber().eq( feedNumber ) );
SwapPriceList priceList = new SwapPriceList(op);
65,583 rows took 562 seconds without deleteAll implementation. With the implementation it took 12 seconds.
Deep Fetching: a better approach to relationship resolution
Collections based operations make Reladomo suitable for most types of large retrievals (report style), OLTP, and batch style processing.
Reduce object relational impedance mismatch
Reduced chattiness
List object used as gateway to collective operations
Special SQL generation for mass/bulk operations
Deep fetch uses joins: solves 1+N problem
BCP support for Sybase: 5x faster than plain insert
Investigating pure Java alternative to file generation
For scalability, we’ve partitioned ledger data into a large number of databases (about 150). The schema is identical in these database, but the data is different.
The class of objects can therefore be retrieved from multiple sources
Traditional ORMs have difficulty keeping objects tied to the original source. This is particularly a problem with caching.
We even have transactions that read from one database and write to another. That is, the access patterns are not necessarily one-database-at-a-time.
Support for this is built into the core of Reladomo.
How an object is identified must include where the object came from:
Transaction 123 in Database A can be 100 shares of IBM
Transaction 123 in Database B can be 300 shares of BMW
When both objects are loaded, they must not be confused.
Enables horizontally scalable solutions
Metadata includes special attribute (SourceAttribute)
All operations (find, insert, update, delete) use this attribute to obtain the proper connection.
Uniquing: an object with a given primary key must correspond to exactly one memory location
Reduced IO and latency
Can be configured as none, partial (dynamic) or full on a per class basis.
Can be bypassed on a per query basis.
Cache is a searchable set of indices. An index is a keyless set.
Queries are cached in the query cache. Also facilitates deep fetched relationships.
Transaction disregards pre-transaction cached results.
Partial cache can only answer queries based on unique identifiers.
Security (fat client applications):
User ID must not be able to access database directly (especially write)
Batch/App ID must not be used from unauthorized IP’s (see PACT AppFilter)
For a large, semi-mobile user community, maintaining IP lists is undesirable and opens iSQL hole
Connection sharing: database connections can be expensive. Many users can share same connection.
Third tier acts like a relational source. Supports relational-like operations: find, insert, update, delete.
No object graphs. Not a complex object source. Serializaton based on metadata. Wire format looks like a result set.
Lightweight: can be configured as pass-through with no caching.
Remoting API must be implemented by application.
Allow multiple VM’s to independently update data.
Polling considered harmful ("Are we there yet?" syndrome)
At the end of a transaction, message is constructed. Message contains the primary keys for objects that were inserted/updated/deleted. Message is sent to a topic that encodes the database identity.
Listeners only register interest in databases they have accessed. Upon receipt of message, any objects (if any) are marked as dirty.
Asynchronous message processing to avoid messaging and IO bottlenecks in application’s main flow.
Messaging API can be implemented by application. RV implementation provided.
Notification is entirely independent of three tier operation. Most important production uses are in two tier scenarios. Notification is off by default.
Posting Engine creates an account. Adjustment server processes a request for the trial or income function containing the new account some time later.
Age Inventory Firm to Firm processor on Desk A updates age transfer status. Age Inventory Firm to Firm processor on corresponding desk will see new status.
Posting Engine updates feed status. Notification is sent for the status object. Next time a controller queries for status, they will not get stale results.
Replication from remote sources can cause staleness.
For low volume update data (e.g. account data) hitting database all the time is wasteful.
Object metadata can be used the same way with RUNS tables as regular tables.
Staleness typically exasperated because objects are configured as read only.
Application configuration flags objects that are replicated.
Background thread reads RUNS queue tables periodically.
Send notification based on primary key found in RUNS child tables
Clear RUNS tables.
Fully optional. Can be setup as a lightweight, independent process.
Metadata contains all necessary data. DRY: get the DDL from the metadata.
Productivity: DDL files are hard to write and maintain.
Junior developers have problems writing DDL files, especially index creation.
Based on the metadata and target database type, emit DDL.
Hardest part is generating decent indices. Primary key index is easy. Foreign key indices are based on defined relationships.
Large legacy systems can be converted quickly and painlessly.
Create object definition from table definition.
Choose object primary key based on unique index.
The direction of Reladomo is set by its users.
Help us make Reladomo a better product:
Feedback is the most valuable thing. What’re we doing right or wrong?
What features would make your code better?
If you find a bug, a test case would be exceptionally helpful.
If you’re feeling adventurous, contribute code!