Small Features
Dated Object Features
Modifiable (Mutable) Primary Keys
Detached Objects
Temp Object
Setting up a Notification Server
Update Listener
Multi-Threaded Matcher Loader, attr)
ProductFinder.findMany( ProductFinder.productId() .in(paraTranList, ParaTransactionFinder.productId())
PositionCarryFinder.income().filterEq( PositionCarryFinder.expense());SQL:
FooList list = FooFinder.findMany(op); list.deleteAllInBatches(10000); can also handle arbitrary list of objects: list = new FooList(); list.add(...); list.deleteAllInBatches(50000);
Use these only for archival or special needs: In-place update, purge, insertForRecovery
Must not be used in normal course of work
In-place update for dated objects
Must mark the attribute in the xml:
<Attribute name="description" javaType="String" columnName="DESCRIPTION" maxLength="50" truncate="true" inPlaceUpdate="true">
Must call the setInPlace method:
public void setDescriptionUsingInPlaceUpdate(String newValue)
Can be used to physically delete a dated object
Normally, deletes the entire history (past and future)
When coupled with equalsEdgePoint, can delete specific range of history, or just one row.
object.purge(); // deletes all of the object’s history list.purgeAll(); // deletes everything specified by the list’s operation
can be used to insert an object with arbitrary in/out
PositionQuantity pos = new PositionQuantity(infinity);
ProductList list = ProductFinder.findMany(op); for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { Product prod = list.get(i); ... }
list.forEachWithCursor(new TObjectProcedure() { public boolean execute(Object o) { Product prod = (Product) o; // do something with prod, // but don't call any relationship methods on it return true; // return false would end the loop. } });
Normally, we read all products for that list into memory on the first call to size() (or any other methods, like get());
forEachWithCursor allows looping through the results one at a time before all the results are loaded
Can process data before query is finished: potentially faster processing
Less memory requirement: Reladomo won't hold onto the object, so very large result sets can be processed
Does not support deep fetch
Does not cache the results, which can be bad if the query is repeated
Detached Objects
Delayed edit functionality; useful for GUI, where the user is modifying objects but can choose to Save or Cancel
Don't use this for a transactional scenario, where object is read and modified in the transaction and there is no "cancel"
Cannot modify the primary key of a detached object
Product prod = ProductFinder.findOne( ProductFinder.productId().eq(12)); Product detachedProd = prod.getDetachedCopy(); // while the user is editing: detachedProd.setDescription("something new"); // does not write to the database detachedProd.set... // after the user presses the save button detachedProd.copyDetachedValuesToOriginalOrInsertIfNew();
Can handle full object graph of dependent objects:
Must mark relationship in object as "relatedIsDependent="true""
<Relationship relatedObject="Section" relatedIsDependent="true" cardinality="one-to-many" name="sections"> this.traderPackId = Section.traderPackId </Relationship>
TraderPack detachedPack = pack.getDetachedCopy(); SectionList sections = detachedPack.getSections(); // returns a detached list of sections sections.get(0).setSectionName("new name"); // does not write to the database sections.remove(2); // remove the 3rd element of the list Section newSection = new Section(); newSection.set... sections.add(newSection); // user presses the save button: detachedPack.copyDetachedValuesToOriginalOrInsertIfNew(); // saves the pack and its sections. // removed sections are deleted. New sections are inserted
Useful methods:
Compare all non-primary key values
Returns true if dependent relationship is modified
isModifiedSinceDetachment(Extractor extractor);
detachedProduct.isModifiedSinceDetachment( ProductFinder.description());
Same as above, but for relationship
isModifiedSinceDetachment( RelatedFinder relationshipFinder);
Resets the detached object to the original values
Equivalent to SQL group by
Allows aggregate functions: sum, avg, min, max, count
AggregateList aggList = new AggregateList(op); //the op determines the where clause aggList.addGroupBy( "acct", PositionCarryFinder.accountId()); // can call addGroupBy multiple times aggList.addAggregateAttribute( "lastProcTime", PositionCarryFinder.processingDateFrom().max()); aggList.addAggregateAttribute( "count", PositionCarryFinder.accountId().count()); aggList.addAggregateAttribute( "income", PositionCarryFinder.income().sum()); for(AggregateData data: aggList) { String accountId = data.getAttributeAsString("acct"); int count = data.getAttributeAsInt("count"); double income = data.getAttributeAsDouble("income"); }
Can do a bit of math (plus, minus, times, divide):
Usually used for driver of some kind
Must pre-define xml:
<MithraTempObject> <PackageName> </PackageName> <ClassName>DividendPositionDriver</ClassName> <SourceAttribute name="acmapCode" javaType="String"/> <Attribute name="accountId" javaType="String" primaryKey="true" maxLength="20"/> <Attribute name="productId" javaType="int" primaryKey="true"/> </MithraTempObject>
Add xml to the class list at the end:
<MithraTempObjectResource name = "DividendPositionDriver" />
Add the temp object to the runtime configuration
In code, create a temporary context, insert some values, then join to the destination table
TemporaryContext positionDriverContext = DividendPositionDriverFinder.createTemporaryContext(getDeskAcmapCode()); try { DividendPositionDriverList tempList = new DividendPositionDriverList(); tempList.add(...); tempList.insertAll(); Operation op = ParaTransactionFinder.acmap().eq("VOL"); op = op.and( ParaTransactionFinder.type().beginsWith("SWP")); op = op.and( DividendPositionDriverFinder.existsWithJoin( PTF.acmap(), PTF.accountId(), PTF.productId()); // PTF == ParaTransactionFinder ParaTransactionList tranList = ParaTransactionFinder.findMany(op); // use the list } finally { positionDriverContext.destroy(); }
Only sensible for composite keys
Must mark the attributes in XML:
<Attribute name="currency" javaType="String" columnName="PROD_CURRENCY_C" primaryKey="true" trim="true" maxLength="3"/> <Attribute name="source" javaType="int" columnName="SOURCE_I" primaryKey="true" mutablePrimaryKey="true" nullable="true"/> <Attribute name="date" javaType="Timestamp" columnName="THRU_Z" primaryKey="true" mutablePrimaryKey="true"/>
setSource and setDate methods are now allowed to be called on a persisted object
setCurrency is not allowed
SQL looks like:
update FXRATE set SOURCE_I = 12 where PROD_CURRENCY_C = 'USD' and SOURCE_I = 10 and THRU_Z = '2008-03-10 00:00:00'
Occasionally, it’s very useful to be able to do large in-clauses with combination of attributes (aka a "tuple")
The API is simple, just two methods:tupleWith() and in()
First, we have to create a tuple using the "tupleWith" method on a normal Attribute
For Example:
TupleAttribute tupleAttribute = PositionFinder.accountId().tupleWith( PositionFinder.productId());
We can keep on adding more attributes with tupleWith
There are various forms of "in" that can then be used with the tuple attribute to create an operation.
Create a MithraArrayTupleTupleSet and call in(set)
Use the (list, Extractor[]) form, just like a regular attribute in(list, Extractor)
Use the (aggregateList, String… aggregateAttributeName) for some advanced use of aggregation combined with a normal query
Reladomo supports multiple notification mechanisms
The TCP notification server is the easiest to setup and works well for a small number of servers and clients (less than 1000)
There are two steps required for this:
Setup the notification server:
java –classpath <all_the_required_jars> –Dport=<some_port_number> .notification.server.NotificationServer
In the processes that read or write Reladomo objects, configure them for notification:
MithraManagerProvider.getMithraManager() .setNotificationEventManager( new MithraNotificationEventManagerImpl( new TcpMessagingAdapterFactory(host, port)));
The host and port should point to where the NotificationServer is running
Add the update listener in the object XML:
<MithraObject objectType="transactional"> <PackageName></PackageName> <ClassName>Division</ClassName> <UpdateListener> </UpdateListener><DefaultTable>DIVISION</DefaultTable>
Implementation must have an empty constructor and implement MithraUpdateListener
public void handleUpdate(T updatedObject, UpdateInfo updateInfo); public void handleUpdateAfterCopy(T updatedObject);
Only called on persistent objects
Typical use case: set the "changed by" field
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The application finds the intersection of the two Sets
Whatever is in the intersection, will be updated (but only if something changed)
Whatever in in Input Set but not in Output Set will be inserted
Whatever is in Output Set but not in Input Set will be closed out (deleted or terminated)
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Highly customizable behavior
Doesn’t have to be File-to-Database; can easily be Database-to-Database or Memory-to-Database, etc.
Subclassing MatcherThread or SingleQueueExecutor allows fine tuning for different requirements
For example, can decide not to delete the left overs.
By design, it is re-runnable
Usable under the following conditions:
No transactional guarantee or ordering required
Writing to one table only. Writing to multiple tables is possible but without transactional guarantee.
Classes to know
SingleQueueExecutor – the piece of code that does the actual writing
MatcherThread – the piece of code that matches the two sets
DbLoadThread – the piece of code that reads the database set, using forEachWithCursor
InputThread – the piece of code that generates the input, e.g. from a file.
Time-Zone Conversion
Nested Reladomo Test Resource
Optimistic Locking
Partial Cache Tuning
Class Diagram Generation
DDL Generation