Table of Contents
Reladomo maps database tables to Java objects. These objects are generated using a set of configuration and object definition XML (mapping) files created by the user. One must create one XML file for every Reladomo object. The object XML file is the metadata definition of the Reladomo object.
To expedite the creation of object XML files from existing schema, an object XML file generator has been created. It connects directly to a database, retrieving a list of the existing tables and generating object XML files that appropriately map to these tables. The generator improves Reladomo's usability and also ensures better consistency between the Reladomo objects' definitions and the tables to which they are mapped.
An Ant task provides users with a simple way to integrate XML generation into a build. Consider the following example as it points to a number of XML elements used by MithraDbDefinitionGenerator:
<target name="generate-para-mithra-xml-url" depends="compile-mithra, compile-mithra-generator"> <taskdef name="mithra-gen-xml" classname=" objectxmlgenerator.MithraObjectXmlGenerator" loaderRef="mithraGenerator"> <classpath refid="mithragen.classpath"/> </taskdef> <mithra-gen-xml userName="user" password="password" schema="schema" databaseType="sybase" driver="com.sybase.jdbc4.jdbc.SybDriver" url=" schema" includeTables="TABLE_1, TABLE_2" outputDir="${para.home}/xml/mithra/generated"/> </target> <target name="generate-para-mithra-xml-ldap" depends="compile-mithra, compile-mithra-generator"> <taskdef name="mithra-gen-xml" classname=" objectxmlgenerator.MithraObjectXmlGenerator" loaderRef="mithraGenerator"> <classpath refid="mithragen.classpath"/> </taskdef> <mithra-gen-xml userName="user" password="password" schema="schema" databaseType="sybase" ldapName="SOME_LDAP_NAME" includeTablesFromFile="include.txt" outputDir="${para.home}/xml/mithra/generated"/> </target>
Of interest are the elements for the mithra-gen-xml
attributes above.
The userName
and password
elements specify the login credentials for the database to be used.
The databaseType
element sets the database type to be used. Again, acceptable values
for the type are "sybase" and "udb82". outputDir
is the directory in which
the XML files will be generated. All of these elements must be included.
The XML generator may connect to a database using a specified URL and JDBC driver or an LDAP name. The driver
element specifies the driver to use when connecting to the database. The url
is the URL of the database.
It is typically prefixed with jdbc
to establish the protocol. The ldapName
is the name of
LDAP server to which the generator is to connect.
The schema
element is optional. In Sybase, the generator's schema is the equivalent of the catalog in JDBC.
In UDB, it is the equivalent of the schema in JDBC.
The includeTables
and includeTablesFromFile
elements are optional. If not included,
the generator will run on all tables present in the database (given the default schema or schema provided).
is a comma-separated list of tables from which XML files should be generated.
is the URL of a file containing a newline-delimited list of tables from which XML files
should be generated. includeTables
and includeTablesFromFile
should be used exclusively.
Note that the generator currently accepts "sybase" and "udb82" as possible database
types. If no database type is specified or an invalid type is provided, the generator throws a
If no primary key is specified in a table, the generator will set the primary key in the object XML file to be the first unique index retrieved from the database. This may not be the intended primary key. To avoid such a problem, users should be careful to specifically set the primary key for every table.